星期五, 1月 12, 2007
星期五, 1月 05, 2007
星期五, 12月 29, 2006
Lab Movie Player by AJAX
1. Go to Laszlo
2. Study and play around the "drag-and-drop" example.
3. Use this method to control music playing of the song "Where to begin".
4. Add the song to the program.
5. Change the photo to the CD title.
6. If you drag and drop the photo to the "play" area, the music plays.
7. If you drap and drop the photo to the "pause" area, the music pauses.
星期五, 12月 22, 2006
星期五, 12月 15, 2006
Lab Personalization
1. Go to Google News
2. Add a new category from standard subjects
3. Try to relocate the news category to a new place
4. Delete this news category.
5. Add a new category with your personal subject. You must enter a keyword centric to this news category.
6. Try to relocate the news category to a new place
圖一 原本的配置
圖二 加入新項目
圖三 自行排版
星期四, 12月 14, 2006
Homework 12/08/2006
use the XSLT as in the Listing 2 to transform the XML file as in the Listing 1.
Given the
Listing 1. An XML document representing the results of a soccer tournament
Listing 3. A style sheet that computes team standings
compute the team standings in a table.
Read the introduction of DOM
文件物件模型(Document Object Model,DOM)是給 HTML 與 XML 文件使用的一組 API。它提供了文件的結構表述(representation),讓你可以更動其中的內容及可見物。其本質是建立網頁與 Script 或程式語言溝通的橋樑。